365 Days of San Francisco

I got the idea for this blog from my friend Corin. He's an amature photographer – a very good one – but about a couple years ago he decided to try something a discipline to get better: He'd take a photo per day, and post it to Facebook.

It was called "Project 365." Sometimes he had to take dozens of photos to get the right shot for that day; other times what went up was a quick pic from his iPhone.

It worked. He learned the importance of changing perspective, especially if you're sharing scenes from ordinary life day after day. He learned what people responded to (A pair of rain boots got dozens of comments while a carefully captured landscape was pretty much ignored... portraits always got rave reviews... people loved to see themselves make the daily photo). And he learned how to communicate with the people he cared about through his craft.

The point was to hone that craft. To practice a lot. So that's what I'm trying to do with this blog. Practice writing a lot. Get feedback. Share with whoever's listening. There are only two rules:

  1. Write something every day.
  2. It has to be between 14 and 400 words.

Hold me to that. Let me know how it goes.