Congrats Ed Lee
So, I'm pretty happy that Ed Lee won. Not that I know much of anything about SF politics, but he seems like a pretty get-it-done kind of mayor and I've seen him speak once.
The Twitter tax deal is one of the only things I know about Lee, and I fully supported it. If Lee really is a "pro-business centrist," then he's my kind of Democrat.
From the Bay Citizen:
Young workers who often prefer to live in San Francisco, even if they commute to Silicon Valley [are] “immensely practical, nonideological, centrist,” [Bay Area tech executive and Obama fundraiser Wade] Randlett said. “Even if that person is a 23-year-old computer science graduate who is a rabid national Democrat, who would never consider a Republican for president, that person looks at the Twitter tax break and says, ‘That’s a no-brainer.’”
My kind of voter.