DC vs. My Liver
So, Friday I spent nine hours drinking Busch Light. Saturday I woke up at Lula's and we went straight to Dale's Chinatown loft to pregame. Lula made me eat some cheerios because this was the rest of my complete breakfast:
- Two cans of Bud Light
- A solo cup of orange juice (the André was tapped out)
- Half a blueberry bagel

KP had stopped at Corner Bakery on the way to Dale's, thought back on the 72 emails our group had sent back and forth about this pregame, realized not one had mentioned food, and the game didn't start til 2pm, so she brought us a dozen bagels.
Dale is Garth's younger brother; he's a senior at Catholic U. There was an armed robbery in Brookland, so the well-to-parents set their boys up in a nice loft, in a building where you need a different key fob for every floor. While all of us 26- to 29- year-olds were over drinking, some of Dale's friends, college girls, stopped by. I was sitting on the upstairs couch, waiting for the bathroom.
In case you'd forgotten, here's what a senior in college's coffee table looks like:

So, Dale reaches into that dark leather toiletry bag you see there, pulls out a squat dark jar that looks like it could contain eye makeup remover, takes a pinch of weed, and packs a bowl. He takes a hit, and passes the bong around to the blonde college girl sitting next to me.
"You don't mind, right? If we..."
"Dude. I live in San Francisco."
I took a hit and went back to my morning bagels and beer.
Then it was Georgetown vs. Villanova. The Hoya Hoops Club had a t-shirt on every seat for a Gray Out and I of course got a Bud Light to wash down my tri-tip sandwhich that had been nesting under concession stand heat lamps for a few weeks. And a Bud Light at The Greene Turtle during half time.

We beat the Wildcats 67-46 and went to RFD to celebrate. I ordered a Heavy Seas Loose Cannon IPA. Then we hit up Hill Country, which I think I got out of without ordering another beer. At dinner, I met up with Corin, Zadie and Shephard at Matchbox and... ordered another Loose Cannon IPA.
DC tried to destroy my liver on Friday and Saturday, but I survived. And by Monday, I was wearing slacks and tie, having a very pleasant lunch with my clients, discussing whether we should capitalize the word "exhibitors" in upcoming newsletters. And I was drinking iced tea.