DJ Geisha Flow

Yesterday Diego, Ash and I went for a MASSIVE dim sum brunch, then came home and laid around on the back deck complaining how there was nothing t0 do. We were just to full to move.

"Hey I know," said Ash. "I've been wanting to hit up this cafe in Japantown, they have this Geisha Float I've been meaning to try: green tea slush, ice cream, red bean paste, and mochi."

"Geish Flow?" I said. "That sounds like a DJ. It's too early to go dancing."

"Geisha Float. Like a root beer float. But that does sound like a DJ's name: 'DJ Geisha Flow.'"

So we all packed in the jeep and went to Japantown, where we walked around the mall, browsed in the Japanese bookstore (I bought a book of Basho's poetry; Ash bought a book on web design). St. Frances got a sweet crepe while we shopped in a Japanese paper store (everything was pretty, but expensive) and Ash got a Geisha Float at the cafe.

It sucked. Too much red bean (which is tasty, but not too good for slurping). But the sun was out and we had a great lazy afternoon. We didn't even get hungry again until 9pm.