Exploring the Sunset

Lately I've been reminding myself how lucky we are to living here.


Take yesterday: late in the afternoon, I took Ash and Diego to Mt. Davidson, to show them the highest point in San Francisco. It's a short walk to the top, and after taking in the view, Diego suggested we drive to Ocean Beach in time to watch the sun set.

After sitting in the sand at the edge of the Western world and watching the sun sink into the Pacific, we got up and walked back to the car. Ash said, "You got tar on your butt," and suggested we grab dinner in the Sunset District.

I'd been meaning to try Outerlands, where we sat under the heat lamps, shared duck shank and pasta with winter squash, ordered beer off their rotating beer list on the chalk board, and Ash kindly put up with Diego and me as we ogled our waitress, Leiandrea. They also bake their own bread, which we were instructed to slather in butter and use to soak up all the juices left on our plates.

Instead of getting dessert there, we tried another place in the Sunset, Polly Ann's Ice Cream, where they have over four dozen flavors and if you get overwhelmed you can spin the wheel for a random flavor. I got blueberry cheesecake and mango. Next time, we'll have to be more adventurous and try things like Sesame, Lychee, Durian, Pineapple and Toasted Almond, Four C's (Cherry, Chocolate, Champagne and Coffee), and Star Wars.

We of course brought some home to St. Frances. Here more pics of Ocean Beach before and after the sun went down:
