Falling Behind
Last week was actually kind of shitty, for no particular reason other than I have this big editing assignment that I massively do not want to do. That, and not hearing back from the cute girl in the tight dress from last Saturday, put me in a nasty mood most of the week.
The thing is, this blog is supposed to be mood-agnostic. I supposed to write it whether I'm feeling creative or not, whether I'm having a good day or not, whether I feel confident about having something interesting to say... or not.
That's the the discipline: wherever you are, however you feel, just write. It's sort of like mindfulness or religious practice in that way, you have to have faith that what you're doing will yield something fruitful, that it will change you in the doing of it.
So, I'm sorry for falling behind, and for not "going with it" in the moment. The next few will be catch-up posts, then, the next time I'm in a foul mood you'll hear about it right away.