Local Color
The other day St. Frances was expounding her theory of why we should take our time in this life – and specifically what I was missing by running to catch the bus. Something about how there are little details in everyday life that we don't notice, but by slowing down we can discover them and that somehow makes each moment new and exciting.
"But at the bus stop?!" I protested. "I'm supposed to see life's little miracles while waiting for the bus.?"
Well, just as I was arguing with her, a big, bright shooting star streaked across the sky above us. Right over Hayes Street.
So, I've been keeping my eyes open for little flourishes around the neighborhood. Here's one I've passed a hundred times, and he's actually one of the reasons I love living in Western addition.
By the way, that's why we call her "Saint" Frances, folks. I don't know if she has any documented miracles, but the Heavens clearly have her back in an argument.