Lonesome Day

Lonesome Day
Photo credit: Maria, FarOutCity.com

I thought a lot about Joan today. She's not the first girl to say "I don't want to fuck you up" right before doing some damage, but she took me on quite a ride. Some of my favorite things in SF I picked up from her, even things we never got around to doing together, like the Seward Street slides and Nerd Night. And of course, Gracias Madre, where I ended it.

It must have been a wistful day, because I also really missed Corin. We were roommates in DC for five years and of course have been friends for more like twenty. It's not the same keeping in touch by DM. Our friendship carried us both through some pretty desolate times. And when those passed, our friendship enriched both our lives in ways that you don't get much with a roommate, or even a best bud.

On my birthday, in 2009, he encouraged me to take the day off and we spent it together at the Smithsonian Museum of American History. We closed it down, just going through the American Wars exhibit.

Occupational hazard I guess, lonesomeness. Working from home is awesome, until it isn't.

Bruce Springsteen · Lonesome Day