Origin Story: St. Frances
In the Early Times, St. Frances was the fairest and wisest of the heavenly beings, but she got bored. When she reached the age of maturity, she cast herself down from Heaven to play in the mud among the rutting mortals. Becoming a friend to sinners, she made it her mission to rub up against the griminess of life.
She is the patron saint of sandcastles, sweatpants, drunk dials, farmers markets, picnics, and social grooming among fuzzy creatures.
I first met St. Frances in fourth grade, when we both kept to the celestial plane. For most of high school, we spent six days a week together, usually engaged in some pious or wholesome pursuit. She was always messy, and she had bouts of crankiness, but even back then I was in awe of her empathy, her ability to listen, and her fearlessness in the face of human failing.
St. Frances first moved to Fog City with Ash, and they lived in a converted one-bedroom in Nob Hill. When Ash went to Australia, St. Francis moved to a studio in the Mission with her two cats, William and Ke$ha. It was Diego that got the three of us to live together.