living in SF
I Climbed a Tree Today
On top of the hill at Fort Mason, overlooking the Golden Gate at sunset. Made me happier than I've been in a long time. Rocco took a pic while I was up there.
living in SF
On top of the hill at Fort Mason, overlooking the Golden Gate at sunset. Made me happier than I've been in a long time. Rocco took a pic while I was up there.
As a chronicle of my life in San Francisco, this blog has necessarily been filled with stories about the two roommates I moved here to live with: Diego and St. Frances. But before I moved to SF, I had a roommate in DC for five years who is just as
living in SF
This humble little sign sits in the window across the street from my apartment. It's been there since I moved in; I see it everyday. Newt Gingrich is a fascinating man. I find myself writing another blog post about something he said on the stump. He's
overheard in cafes
I was in a cafe in Japantown this week, working on my taxes, and halfway through my coffee I realized I was sitting across from a guy in t-shirt and jeans pitching his app to investors. The guy was in his late twenties, we could have been the same age
So Newt lost Florida, but I almost wanted him to win. Not like, I wanted him to win because he'd be eaiser to beat, I mean, I almost joined Team Newt for a second. Then I went back to hating him. I actually love listening to public figures
Everybody thinks working for yourself is a cake walk, until it comes time to do your taxes. All of you that have to put on pants and schlep to an office and smile at the receptionist everyday, I pity you most of the time. But when I'm buried
living in SF
Knowing I work from home, and spend my days looking useless in the cafes up and down Divisadero, Rocco shared this short video with me. Pretty much sums up San Francisco:
I left off the last post saying we brought ice cream back for St. Frances. Even though the day had been warm, it had cooled down, so we turned the fireplace on, put a movie on in the background and shot the shit. Then I busted out one of St.
Lately I've been reminding myself how lucky we are to living here. Take yesterday: late in the afternoon, I took Ash and Diego to Mt. Davidson, to show them the highest point in San Francisco. It's a short walk to the top, and after taking in
We live less than two blocks away from The Independent, and I'd never been until tonight. I waited for the right show. Here's a shot of the opener, Dry the River:
growing up
I'm not known for my decorum, but sometimes I outdo myself. Last night, with eight friends over for enchiladas, I was talking about a cute hippie girl I met. One by one, the girls around the dinner table asked if I would be turned off to find out
I just read a Slate article proposing you take a drink everytime Martin Scorsese calls Hugo a "picture," and I'm sure Californians have plenty of other drinking games for calling out Hollywood smug during Tinseltown's biggest night. In what has now become the most