"San Francisco Values"
This humble little sign sits in the window across the street from my apartment. It's been there since I moved in; I see it everyday.

Newt Gingrich is a fascinating man. I find myself writing another blog post about something he said on the stump. He's alwasy complaining about "liberal San Francisco values."
It's true, most San Franciscans have some pretty skewed values: they will go to almost ridiculous lengths to "eat local" and have a reverence for salad greens most communities save for holy relics. More so than our "real American" bretheren, San Franciscans value brunch, succulents, good coffee, wine, microbrews, and misshapen organic apples from the farmers market.
But that's just it: our most faithfully-pursued values are gastonomical. Except when someone in a white, Greek-columned building hudnreds of miles away tries to tell us what to do with our genitals. Or whom we can love. Then, we're for that most American of values: freedom.