Scrambling Up a Mountainside (Birthday Adventures Continue)

On the last day of my birthday weekend, my parents came up to the City again and we planned to go for a hike. It wasn't as warm as Saturday or Sunday, in fact it was really windy and the fog was blowing in, so I though to head south and east, for a walk up San Bruno Mountain.
But when we got on the freeway, the peak was already shrouded in fog, so I checked Google Maps and suggested we try to pick the ridge trail up from the East, by driving through the neighborhood of Brisbane.
We wound our way through some very steep paved and unpaved roads, most of which turned out to be the private driveways of Brisbane residents. When we finally found a public park and trailhead, we got out of the car, judged the appropriate number of jackets we'd each need, put two water bottles on my dad's pack and started walking.
It wasn't long before the trail turned into little more than a goat path that shot straight up the near-vertical hillside. I was bounding up and down the gravelly path, "scouting ahead," while my father guided my mother up in little steps along the sheer mountain ledges.
If I got one great gift at 29, it was feeling six again on my birthday.