Seeing All of San Francisco at Once
I'm always trying to sum up San Francisco – to grok all of it at once. Standing on top of this mountain in the middle of the Bay, looking out at all of this city, from Berkeley to the Golden Gate Bridge to Tiburon and back, I'm only thwarted by it. I think about the succulent gardens on sidewalk corners, throwing the frisbee on Ocean Beach, live bands playing electro-funk at the Utah, cheap produce on 24th street...
I'm looking RIGHT AT this city – at all of it – and I'm trying to see all of it at once. And I can't.
My friends are all here, and yet I feel somewhat lonely. Maybe it's looking at the city from across the Bay, cut off from all those scantily-costumed trick-or-treaters.
I feel lost in this city, and I can't get a read on her. She knows me better than I know her. DC was so straightforward. There are surprises around every corner in San Francisco.