The Bazaar Bizarre
Here's an interesting homophone:
In San Francisco, people value craftiness.
In DC, people value craftiness.
In San Francisco, of course, that means making terrariums, knitting, pottery, painting, gardening, leatherworking, gardening, metalworking, and all the cool stuff kids are into that make this city beautiful and endlessly discoverable.
In Washington, DC, craftiness means political cunning, and we value it very highly. More so than terrariums, you need it to survive. But it's not very beautiful. In fact, it's ugly and profane.
Yesterday afternoon, I took St. Frances to the Bazaar Bizarre (look, another homophone!) and loaded up on cool and creative christmas cards and gifts for my family. Today, walking down the street in the Haight, I bought six pieces of coral and four old bottles from a tie-died old hippy soaking up the sun on his stoop. Right there on the sidewalk. The coral and bottles are going in the garden, in my own attempt at craftiness, the SF kind that is.
The DC variety makes the world go round. The San Francisco variety makes it worth living in.