This Shouldn't Happen in America
Here's a trick I learned going to school and working in Washington: Whenever I feel very strongly about a news story, I try to read commentary on it from the opposite side of the political spectrum first. Usually for me, that means checking a conservative news source like Weekly Standard, National Review, or even WSJ.
(The most important trick to being a political insider is to not get your news from the sources most Americans do. Here's a quick way to check if your one of the sheeple: Do you get your news from CNN, Fox, Jon Stewart or O'Reilly? If yes, I can literally see the marionette strings from K Street straight to your poor, shriveled brain. You're better off with Brian Williams.)
Unfortunately, a lot of conservative outlets are ignoring the Trayvon Martin tragegy. I knew Fox was too cowardly to cover it, but really Drudge?
Thankfully, National Review has the tragic shooting as their top story right now. And they event file it under the issue topic 'Gun Control.' Not only do they soundly reject George Zimmerman's actions, they also reject the Florida law that allowed a white man to chase down and shoot a black boy, kill him, and get away with it.
At least we can all agree this shouldn't happen in America.