Two Days, Two Hikes

My parents stopped in the city on Saturday afternoon and for the last two hours of light, we walked along the cliffs at Land's End. None of us had ever been before, and the weather this weekend was just spectacular. It was so clear, you could see ever individual tree on the Headlands across the Bay. You could just see the Farallons fading into the sunset.


a pic my mom took of me and Jake on the cliffs at Land's End

Sunday, I went hiking on the other side of the bridge with a girl I met on HowAboutWe. I took her on the loop around the Gerbode Valley in the Headlands. Before I discovered Land's End, it had been my favorite hike with a view of the Golden Gate because as you climb above the valley, the city and the bridge peak into view between the green hills.

Just another beautiful weekend in SF.