Updates: May 2012

I didn't post for a month, so I figure I owe anyone following the blog some updates:

  • I hired an intern. His name is Jonathan (his Fog City name is Jonathan) and he's a junior at USF. He's an econ major, like I was. And like me, he wants to write.
  • I'm still doing personal training. It's still kicking my ass.
  • I haven't been going on as many first dates, because I've been dating one girl for about the last month. It's going really well. Friday we went on a double date with Diego and Elise to see the Avengers. If I can get my notes sent over from my iPad, you might get a Monday Movie Review tonight.
  • I got an iPad! I'm addicted to everything it does. Right now I'm playing Risk against the computer. All day.
  • I've stopped posting provocative political opinions on Facebook for time being. Partly I want to give Romney a fair shot and partly friends on Facebook are much more interested in what I had for lunch.
  • Georgetown dropped out of the Tournament early again this year.
  • The cats, William and Ke$ha, need more love, affection, outside time, sunshine, and wet food than ever.
  • Work is busy. But I still don't have to wear pants.